Thursday, March 09, 2006


    Blog it Out! (Growing list of NC Blogs)

    I will be adding to this list from time to time. If you are blogging from somewhere in the gigantic state of NC, drop me a line with the info on your blog (or one that you know of from NC) and I will add it to my list! I would like to eventually have a nice little list of some of the best our state has to offer. Blogging and just reading other people's blogs has opened up a whole new world of information (and entertainment,....not always intentional..ha ha) for me and I have actually convinced several of my friends to start blogging-not always personal information but just to try it- try blogging SOMETHING. I still struggle sometimes with my need to blog and my need to be private but somehow, when its all said and done, I find a way to let the to co-exist quite nicely.
    View from the Sidewalk Stephenonmenal RealNiceAggie Michael Bowden Kayares

    Permalink posted by L. D. at 3/09/2006 02:26:00 PM


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